Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Hey, how's your day going? I'm not able to trick-or-treat because of my dad, but if you trick-or-treat have fun!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

mad schoolwork!!!!!!!!

Today was kool!! I woke up at 7:15 and ate breakfast. Then I read my book until 9:05. Then I started on schoolwork. I have to do Art (for friday program), Art, Science, Math, History, and Health. Well, I g2g and do schoolwork. Bye-Bye!!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

nursery today!!

Well, it was fun helping in the nursery. I had to do a lot of stuff like clean sippy-cups, help people go to the bathroom, help with activities, and clean up the room. But it was somewhat fun!!!! Well, I g2g bye

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hey people!!!

I'm sooo bored!! I got to clean my house today!! Oh lala!! Well, I also got to read, play a card game, and watch a movie later. Well, I g2g bye!!!! ttyl

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hey, people I am litterally going to get kicked off so later

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hey peoplesez!!!!!!

I am bored so I guess I will go do schoolwork. Well, I g2g Bye


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, my mom is coming home today. My dad is going to get her right now. Well, how is everybody? I'm tired of school, but what else is new. Well, I g2g bye

Monday, October 23, 2006


my mom is ok (for those of you who read my other blogs/or posts), She will be coming home tommarrow. I miss her!! I haven't seen her since Saturday morning. Well, hopfully I will see her tommarrow. Well, how is everybody? I'm sad and want to see my mom. Well, I g2g, Bye!!!!


Hey, How are you?? I'm tired. But, I'll live.

This is for Two sisters Kirsten and Johannah. Please comment back. Thanks!!

How are you? My mom has been in the hospital since Saturday. I haven't seen her all weekend. I also want to talk to you some day soon(for no good reas

Well, read the title and please comment back Johannah. This is for Andante. Thanks!!!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hello Peeps!!

Well, I felt like getting yet another blog. Well, I g2g Bye Please comment